Scary latex masks for halloween

halloween horror clown

In the night of the 31st October it is again the time to celebrate the old celtic rite of ‘Halloween’. Most people got accustomed to the sight of the neighbors children wandering around and ransacking whole stockpiles of sweets. Anybody not complying to those threats is often punished with sneaky pranks.

So why not dress up yourself in a spooky way and provide the guest a proper reception. Horror masks made out of foam latex are perfectly suited for that purpose. The special latex is flexible, so the your face movements are transmitted onto the mask, resulting in a very realistic disguise, like in the horror movies. We have compiled some examples of such disguises for you:

The Scary Freddy mask is a classic

The following two clips show a realistic horror mask such as this one

For halloween partys, american style horror masks are hip as well. Compated to foam latex masks those masks are made from a tougher rubber and painted more detail rich, so that they are suited as decoration for haunted houses as well.

beast horror maskAn assortment of american style scary masks for halloween can be found here.

demon mask

by scdr
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