Category Archives for Uncategorized
Top 10 Most Popular Animal Masks
Animal masks that are made from rubber latex often make for an impressive yet easy-to-assemble and relatively affordable costume. With just one costume piece (the mask), the end result is a disguise that will undoubtedly impress whether you find yourself … Continue reading
Creating a distinctive music star image using a duck mask and a flamingo suit
Quite frequently, someone inside the huge music business comes up with the idea of putting a news artist in a new and unique outfit, so that the consumer will not be having difficulties remembering the up and coming star. A … Continue reading
Realistic masks directly from the movie industry
Some cineasts might have asked themselves, how the professional make-up artists from hollywood are able to change a face to an extend, that one is not able anymore to recognize the person behind the mask. This realistic masking is usually … Continue reading
Scary latex masks for halloween
In the night of the 31st October it is again the time to celebrate the old celtic rite of ‘Halloween’. Most people got accustomed to the sight of the neighbors children wandering around and ransacking whole stockpiles of sweets. Anybody … Continue reading
Flashmob using Fantomas masks
Flashmobs seem to be increasingly common events. Suddenly and unexpected, a group of people gathers at a previously agreed place to perform something rather unusual. Right after finishing their performance, the group usually disperses as quickly as they arrived, typically … Continue reading